New Media article
It's amazing to me how much technology has changed in the last decade, especially when you consider "it took nearly 50 years for half of the households in the USA to have a telephone, and 90 years for half of all manufacturing industries to use electricity (pg. 348)."
I don't think I used the internet until towards the end of high school, I didn't have an email address until I was a freshman in college, I didn't get a cell phone until I was 21 and got my first car, I didn't start using AIM until I was working at my first job after undergrad, they didn't even have Facebook when I was an undergrad, and I just got a MySpace account last year. And now, I'm utterly lost without my cell phone and all that the internet has to offer me!
I thought it was important that they pointed out all of the custom cable tv channels that allow non-profits to market to their specific target market (i.e.-the ASPCA solicits donations with commercials shown on Animal Planet...brilliant!).
Also, I completely fit the example the author gave about viral marketing. I get emails asking me to email my congressman about a cause I believe in, and I do it; they ask me to pass on their emails to my friends, and I do. And I have NO problem doing this. If I can't afford to donate money, I sure enough and donate my time - even if that "time" means emailing.
I love what the ACS has done on their website for Relay for Life fundraising. I can send already composed emails to my entire email address book in the blink of an eye. No calling or mailing letters to solicit money. It makes my fundraising for them so easy!
And despite the fact that this article is more than 6 years old, it's stated implications are still completely relevant today. In fact, our technology has progressed even faster then they predicted.
I think it would be worth-while to revisit this article in light of all the technological changes in the last 6 years. For instance, how has TiVo affected marketers?