Public Relations Commentary

Increasingly, public relations pracititioners have to know not only how to write for the Web, but also how to manage and respond to blog postings. This blog was created to use in my public relations courses to help my students prepare to blog and learn how to respond to others in a virtual yet professional manner.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Thoughts at random

First, the 110 marketing strategy tips are a great example of qualitative research that would be helpful to nearly everyone who has a business. I found the idea that most people are buying keywords, but only in English, very interesting. What a great idea to buy bano and bathroom. Duh. Why doesn't everyone do that?? Probably because most people are not bilingual, but I think it also speaks to American arrogance that many believe that everyone in the world should be expected to learn and speak English.

Also, one person mentions the value of swag in marketing. Yes, he/she is completely right that I have seen people BEG for tshirts or light up pens and even put on a can costume and line dance for lightup beads. But does swag help create a consumer? I've given my last 'priceless' blinky bead to someone who 'just had to have it,' only to see them drinking a competitive beer an hour later. BUT they are still wearing my blinky bead, thus promoting my product for me in some sense. Win or lose? I don't think the swag really makes a difference in creating a loyal consumer, unless you can deliver something that is totally out of the box...tshirts are so 1999, but create a custom tshirt for them on the laptop, send it to a router, print the iron on design, iron it on (yes I have taken irons into bars) and give it to them 5 min later? Yes, that gets some attention. And the ironing station in the bar doesn't hurt either.

In reading the segmentation article, I can see the value that the tracking and monitoring technology presents to the businesses that use it. However, I find the idea that sites and businesses are watching me online rather disturbing. Yes, I might get some coupons from the process, but altogether it really just creeps me out. And I do have to agree that getting more than one or two emails a month from anyone really annoys me. The Wall Street Journal is really annoying!! I had to have it for the media ownership class last semester and they might as well move into my guest room for all the mailings (3-4 a month) and emails (at least 3 a day) I get from them. I've unsubscribed from them twice but apparently im subscribed to different sub-lists??? Ugh...despite what some of the strategies reported, I do not like more frequent emails and it turns me off to their services.


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