Public Relations Commentary

Increasingly, public relations pracititioners have to know not only how to write for the Web, but also how to manage and respond to blog postings. This blog was created to use in my public relations courses to help my students prepare to blog and learn how to respond to others in a virtual yet professional manner.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Integrated Marketing Communication... oy vey!

So this week, we're talking about marketing and branding in regards to the nonprofit sector. Marketing a nonprofit may involve challenges that the same task for a for-profit entity may not (e.g., lack of resources, explaining the benefits of marketing to donors who want $ to go to clients and programs), but for the most part they're fairly similar. So I wanted to ask your views on something else related to marketing...

IMC, MarComm, or the "C Suite"--whatever you want to call it--the merging of marketing, advertising, and public relations. Is it a good thing? Now consider in your responses from these two different perspectives: (1) the organizational view and (2) the discipline's views.

What are the implications of continued IMC growth?


  • At 3:22 PM, November 06, 2006, Blogger Giselle said…

    IMC will always get a bum rap from the PR and advertising folks, but that doesn't mean it can't be useful. For a small non-profit that doesn't have the luxury of having separate advertising & PR functions, an IMC approach can be the best way to manage the organization's communications objectives.


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