Public Relations Commentary

Increasingly, public relations pracititioners have to know not only how to write for the Web, but also how to manage and respond to blog postings. This blog was created to use in my public relations courses to help my students prepare to blog and learn how to respond to others in a virtual yet professional manner.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Measuring relationships

While I was reading the article "measuring relationships in public relations", I tried to relate the measuring standards with the nonprofit organization we are working with in our campaign class-Carolina Donor Services. CDS covers 79 counties in North Carolina and Danville, Virginia, and their current goal is to increase name recognition of the organization in these areas. What I understand is that CDS would raise residents' awareness of the organization by public campaigns and by asking volunteers to approach communities. So if people want to become organ donors, CDS would be the first thing that pops into their mind. Relationship building is definitely working during the process of persuading people to become donors. But what about after becoming registered organ donors, or can I say members of CDS? The next time CDS approaches a donor is probably when the donor passes away and it is the time to realize the promises. Is there a relationship issue involved here? It seems to me that organizations like CDS should also put emphasis on building relationships with people close to the registered donor to make sure that the donor's wish is carried out when the time comes. But I don't see them doing anything in this regard.


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