Edelman Hires Top Advertising Blogger
From AdAge:
"Steve Rubel, by some counts the No. 1 advertising blogger, is going mainstream with a move to PR giant Edelman."
And further in the article …
"Edelman recently has also hired Michael Krempasky, a public-affairs blogger, and Phil Gomes, who writes about online communications. Others agencies have gone a similar route. Weber Shandwick, the world’s largest PR firm, recently hired Jeremy Pepper, writer of popular PR blog Pop PR Jots as group manager in its San Francisco office."
I think this really speaks volumes about what blogging is going to mean to the future public relations operations. I used to consider blogs relatively unimportant, but with the industry jumping on the bandwagon it looks like people are wanting to make sure that they have the best of every aspect of each medium to offer clients.
"Steve Rubel, by some counts the No. 1 advertising blogger, is going mainstream with a move to PR giant Edelman."
And further in the article …
"Edelman recently has also hired Michael Krempasky, a public-affairs blogger, and Phil Gomes, who writes about online communications. Others agencies have gone a similar route. Weber Shandwick, the world’s largest PR firm, recently hired Jeremy Pepper, writer of popular PR blog Pop PR Jots as group manager in its San Francisco office."
I think this really speaks volumes about what blogging is going to mean to the future public relations operations. I used to consider blogs relatively unimportant, but with the industry jumping on the bandwagon it looks like people are wanting to make sure that they have the best of every aspect of each medium to offer clients.