Public Relations Commentary

Increasingly, public relations pracititioners have to know not only how to write for the Web, but also how to manage and respond to blog postings. This blog was created to use in my public relations courses to help my students prepare to blog and learn how to respond to others in a virtual yet professional manner.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Oh no, not more Jon Benet!

Okay, so earlier tonight I was watching MSNBC, and they felt I really needed to know about the capture of the guy accused of killing Jon Benet Ramsey. I won't argue whether it was newsworthy or not--we'll save that for another time. But, I really got pissed when a nonprofit organization advocating for finding missing children and children's rights started using their time as a soapbox for why people should start supporting them. Talk about really straying from the topic of the interview. I understand that any organization needs to try to maximize its publicity any chance it gets, but shouldn't some times be off limits? This certainly did nothing to help this organization's image in my mind. In fact, I was so disgusted I won't even mention them. But, you can find it on Lexis.


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